Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I quit and now it's kind of awkward

This will be a short post. I have to go to Korean lessons in a few minutes.

Last night, I decided to announce my resignation to my boss. He didn't seem that surprised really since I'd tried to quit before and was talked out of it. Plus, that's the only reason I would talk to him when leaving.

Basically, it didn't go very well. I told him my problems with a lot of things. Not everything. I just can't stand teaching 6 classes back to back. I can't even sit down. There are tons of other things though. He told me that there was a chance my schedule could change........ in December. He said he would refuse to release me from my contract until December. It all hedges on the other foreign teachers. He's afraid of what the parents will think if 2 teachers quit in the same year but I could leave at the same time as the other 2 because my disappearance would be masked or something. The other guy was in Daegu but his girlfriend was placed in Seoul so that was why he was released. Anyways, he told me that I was an 'irresponsible teacher' and if I had thought of any 'inferences'(sic:references) that he might give. I really can't believe that I countered with the fact that I could make the same kinds of threats. He would have such a hard time finding someone to replace if I did a few things. I had enough hesistation signing the contract to begin with. I feel like I should go out and print all these "I hate Wonderland" shirts. Find the logo and just go from there. I could wear it everywhere I went. All the time except when I was at work for these last 40 days. Actually, I could still manage to find work without his letter of release. Immigration just has to do a few more things. I am leaving at the end of September though. I'll find out what my options are in Korea but if they turn out to be very limited then I'll just board a plane to Sydney, Paris, Cape Town, Stockholm, wherever.

Today was a bit strange at work too. My boss gave a little hello to me. Then he and the VP had a little chat with the door closed. I imagine it was about me. Then just as I was leaving his wife was exiting the elevator and gave me this big smile. Either they are oblivious to what I told Jupiter or they are trying their best to make me feel welcome. After everything though, even if they were to give me the best schedule, give me a raise, give me a better apartment with AC, I would still leave. So that's the latest. My future is very much undetermined.


asdfjhn said...

You know, your 40 days reminds me of Lent. During your 40 days I would say you should give something up to parallel the biblical story...but everything has already been taken from you. A.C., your stolen bike, your discontinued internet, your failed harddrive, your free time...

Maybe you should reverse it and do something extra nice for yourself during the next 40 days.

Burnt Toast said...

I do not envy the position you're in. I think that preparing for your next assignment (where ever that will be)would be very forward thinking; the possibility of having a job you enjoy. Whatever you decide will be the right choice because being miserable, working 60 hours a week, and not having air conditioning is no way to live if you don't have to.

You don't have to.

Good Luck in September!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are having a horrible time. English teaching generally sucks the world over and you'd do well to get out of it. It's fine when you're young but eventually you'll reach a point where you want to go home and you won't know how to do anything other than teach.