Wednesday, May 18, 2005

No reason

I'm writing for no reason today. I wrote just yesterday and really, not that much has happened. It was my long day. 9 classes. I have to go off the page for my daily report since there's only room for 8. It wasn't really that bad. My melons which I used to like teaching the least since they were such a handful are actually becoming one of my preferred classes. My einstein class is also completely different now. There used to be 5 and now there are only 3. Laura is taking a break, I guess. Julie, my teaching partner for that class, doesn't think she'll come back. I don't think I'll miss Laura all that much.Three is actually nice but with me not having to do as much classroom managing the work goes by faster. I guess that's good but the last five minutes I've been having to just come up with things. They usually involve stupid questions that I'm sure the children hate.

Karen told me a funny story today. It wasn't funny to me until much later in the day when I understood what she had been saying. Kids are funny. Her story was 'Today morning father bathroom DONG.' The other kids all understood and thought it was hilarious. I thought maybe he fell or something broke. It turns out that her father had farted. That was her reason for being happy. At first she told me angry and then I guess she suddenly remembered this morning. They're starting to like me a lot more. I think it might be because Julie, the other class we share, is more strict with them. There even behaving better. Even Paul! Tomorrow we're having a field trip so maybe there'll be pictures of Paul if he's there.

What else happened today? Matt did a mock presentation of a class for all the teachers. We had to pretend to be students. It was kind of fun. It ate up my lunch break though. I was assigned the next presentation. I have to do it from the All Aboard book. Matt did Phonics. You can do a lot more with the Phonics book. The All Aboard book is very structured. I like it better to teach since it requires less effort or creativity to prepare but is hard to impress anyone with. I have a month to do that. It only has to be 20 minutes. Some kids hate All Aboard. Alex who I've told you about before always tells me he hates All Aboard. One day All Aboard made him cry. I do it with them 3 times a week usually.

I was having a pretty good day today and even thought for a moment that I liked my job. My stupid ELE 402 class though. They have such low level english. I don't know how long they've studied but they are maybe 11 and their English is about the same as the 8 year olds. Actually it's probably between 7-8. Maybe I just expect it to be better so when they make mistakes I'm more likely to think they are stupid than that they just don't know. I talked to May on the phone yesterday and asked her what she ate for breakfast. To her it was like I'd just asked her the hardest question in the history of the world. She really should know this. We went over it in class or rather I went over it in class and none of them listened to me. They are my least favourite class and my last one too so I get to look forward to it all day and then leave work depressed. Lauren and May read comics all class. May at least pretended to be reading the textbook. Lauren practically flaunted it. I took it away and put it on the shelf. Then while I was helping someone, well actually forcing them to do their work, she went and took it back. David and Aidan fought and I really don't know what Bin was doing, he was fighting for a bit. Bin is such a good name for him. He's such a Bin. I think it's his Korean name. Technically his English name is supposed to be Robert I think. It's funny that he the only one in any of the classes that uses his actual name, myself included. Matt and Renee go back and forth between Shawn, oops sorry and Tyler. I wonder if I'll have trouble responding to my real name again. I still don't respond to Shawn all that well. It's more like a 'hey you' than anything like a name. Maybe that's all a name is. I don't identify with it is all I'm saying. It's not who I am.

Well this started without a point and it's ending without one. I'm going to get something to eat.

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