Friday, October 14, 2005

I've been blocked

I was going to reply to the comments/questions on the comments section but I can't view my blog from China. I could in Yantai so I don't know whether it was my anti-china comment that got my blocked or what. It seems a bit strange that I can't view it from here only a day or so later. Probably just paranoia. I also have to show my passport to use the computers here but to buy a bus ticket no ID was needed. I wonder if it's like Cuba where only foreigners can access the internet. The wrote my name and visa number in a little log book too. Very strange, indeed.

Cal: I didn't buy any art and the exhibition was little more than a small room in some building full of those vertical Chinese banners. They were nice enough but weren't anything that special. The drinks were a seperate deal after I'd left the art exhibition.

The Canada - US thing was more about her not listening to what I had told her. I wouldn't have cared about her comment had I not told her I wasn't American. The other part of that was that to some people America means US-Canada or the whole of the Americas. I don't care for that defintion but in Korea, America typically just means the US. Not important really.

Alex: I misread your email. You wrote 'other stalker girls' which I guess doesn't make sense either since there were only the pair. The s threw me. Maybe I no longer have a stalker. I might not have to be afraid of going back to Daegu. Also, I forgot the mention in that entry that the girl's appearance made want to go out and get drunk. I somehow over drank and ended up making quite the spectacle of myself. I made quite a good friend but I remember neither his name or anything we discussed except that we had a lengthy conversation and he helpe carry my limpless body to a cab. It was bad. Never have soju cocktails after 4 other drinks on an empty stomach. Let that be my advice to all of you.

Yes, I wrote wondered. A homonym. My goodness. Maybe you can become my editor or proofreader or something.

Ah, those cultural differences.

I've become a bit disillusioned with Shanghai. It feels too modern to be that interesting. Financial capitals aren't that interesting. I think all that was interesting about Shanghai faded after the founding of the People's Republic. Not that I'd be up for gangs, gambling, and prostitution. Actually, I ran across the latter two wandering around last night. I don't know whether they were actually gambling or just playing but I'm pretty sure about the prostitutes. The gangs I haven't seen nor anybody in traditional Shanghai wear. Only mannequins which isn't exciting/interesting at all. It feels a bit too touristy here. Beijing will be the same I think. I'll be heading there in a couple hours, wasting my last few hours in Shanghai on the internet. I'm tired, feeling a bit sick, my knee hurts, and what's left to be seen doesn't interest much in my current state of mind. Until Beijing then.

1 comment:

asdfjhn said...

I was talking to Nathan and mentioned what you've seen and thought about Shanghai, he said it's quite trendy now, and there is stuff about it in the New Yorker all the time. Hence the art galleries and overpriced drinks. Lame.