Saturday, October 29, 2005

We won't stay in touch

This is just a quick little post. I've just kind of been chillin' in Tibet for the past few days. It really is just great being here. I've mentioned all that before.

I'm going to be out of touch for the next week most likely. I'm taking a 4x4 through Tibet with 4 other people down to the Nepalese border. I was thinking yesterday. Wow! I'm in Tibet! I'm going to Nepal! I don't know if I can really believe it. I went to Potala Palace today. It was quite amazing. I didn't really feel like I belonged. Kind of like I was intruding upon the Tibetans and their religion. The outside was much more impressive. I might be able to post some pictures soon but hey, no promises.

I'll be sharing a landcruiser with a guy from Amherst, Massachusetts (age 23), a guy from Brandon, Manitoba (29) who had also been teaching in Korea, and two French girls (26,27) who are actually from Mauritius. So we'll have 8-9 days together in a little jeep going around Tibet. So far we have 3 bottles of wine and one of vodka. Should be some good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will be traveling through Tibet in two months, can you give me any suggestions of what to do and see?