Monday, October 24, 2005


Lame title I know. I don't feel like writing anymore and really have been a bum today. I woke up early and went to go see some pandas this morning at the Panda research and breeding centre with the San Fran girls. Pandas are pretty cute but also kind of lazy and uncoordinated. They were fun to watch but after awhile they were kind of boring. I guess Pandas don't realize when they are pregnant and so this baby popping out of them (literally popping in a little burst like out of canon)is a bit alarming. They don't know what to do with them and kind of throw them around a bit. New born pandas (I only saw them on video) are hairless and look like deformed kittens.

After that I went to some buddhist temple and ate a bad vegetarian chinese meal. Afterwards I went back to the hostel. I was a bit tired. I woke up at 7:45 to go see the pandas. Then I just thought about my travel plan. It's still pretty loose but I'm hoping to get back to Korea in about one months time. We'll see what happens.

PS There's a guy next to me smoking. Chinese cigarettes seem a lot more potent and the smoke seems to linger in the air for much longer. I wonder if it's part of the Chinese government's efforts to reduce the population. Air pollution is pretty visible too. The sun yesterday was just some glowing yellow orb barely visible through a hazy white sky.

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