Thursday, October 06, 2005

Loose plans

I decided I would change the layout of my blog. The old one had been annoying me for awhile but I never had the energy, patience, or time to do anything. We'll see how long it takes before I change it again. Owing largely to laziness I think this one might be around for quite awhile. I will still be unemployed when I go back home (whenever that might be) so who knows?

I haven't done very much with myself the past few days. Sleeping has been so nice. I can't say it's all that comfortable being that I sleep on 3 couch cushions on the floor that constantly slip away from each other and me. I have no idea what a real bed is like anymore. I technically haven't slept on a real bed since my vacation in July and really I've only slept in a proper bed for maybe 10 nights (generous guess) of the past 180. I wonder how Candace is enjoying the hard mattress on the floor.

I actually went back to my old apartment yesterday to swipe my magazine from the mailbox. Gotta love the keyless, very unsecure Korean mailboxes. It was in my name though and no one was the wiser. I also tried the door but she had locked it. That one might have been a little iffier where the law is concerned had the door been unlocked.

I finally called my bank in the US and had them send me a new cheque card. Why do I have a bank account in the US, you ask? Well, I just never closed it after I left Texas. I tried to have my new Canadian bank try to transfer the money and the last I heard Wells Fargo needed a notarized letter so my money sits in an American savings account. Plus I figured I would travel in the US so I could keep some money in a chequing account. That's quite boring isn't it? Anyways, I lost my card in January and finally took care of that. I also changed my address with the Economist. That'll take 2 weeks to kick in so Candace will be able to enjoy 2 free issues. My parents on the other hand will receive maybe 6 issues before I get back home...whenever that might be. It's only my possibly very inaccurate projection.

I only have 4 days left in Korea before I'm here illegally. I've decided to take a boat to Weihai, China in Shandong province. I don't know what's there but I'd much rather leave on Monday than have to rush to Seoul a few days before I would've liked. Plus, I found out that the ferry to Tiajin doesn't even dock in Tianjin but some other port so I wouldn't be right in the heart of Beijing to begin with. Aside from that, my plans are about as flexible as a Romanian gymnast (whatever that means). Only visa concerns really. I guess there really aren't any countries bordering China that I don't need visas for. I suppose Hong Kong and Macau but those 2 only border China and the sea and I'd need a visa to get back to China. Hmm...

I'm a bit worried that I won't meet anyone going on my particular proposed route. So I might either be very lonely for however long I am lost in Asia or end up travelling with random strangers to wherever they were going. I really don't know. I should really make more concrete plans but instead I change the layout of this page and waste time in all kinds of other ways.


Vivec said...

good luck Blueshoe! We will miss you in Korea, but then, we always have the blog... :D

Unknown said...

Blueshoe..hehe. I have to hand it to ya--I like the layout. And I'm flattered that you used my same demensions (but I'm not being boastful!) I admit that I used your prior layout--your website source/html to figure out how to put a new picture in my headline. So now we're even!

I'm wishing you the best of luck in your adventures--I sure wish I got to hang out with you more before you left. Who knows, maybe you'll return again to Korea!

Cheers! Keep us posted!! ;) Chelsea