Friday, September 30, 2005

Paragraph 1, Article 68

Pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 68 of the Immigration Law, Blue S. Who-Two is ordered to leave the Republic of Korea.
Deadline of Departure: 2005.10.10

So not only am I leaving but I've been banished. It's an official exit order. That was what I accomplished today. Expulsion from a country. I had to drive with my boss to the immigration office which took about 40 minutes. Maybe 20 words were exchanged. I've had my last class with the Melon students. Only 6 more classes and then freedom for 10 days followed by mandatory expulsion.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear that, crazy isn't it Tyler? Must have been sort of uncomfortable on that ride. But now it's finally over--the madness!! ;)