It's been awhile since my last post. There are so many other things that I should probably be doing. I have all this work stuff that I should be doing. I haven't finished grading all my tests. I need to do evaluations for about 26 students. I also need to do phone teaching and have to call 26 students I think. Not the same 26 though, well a lot of them are the same. Unfortunately, or luckily enough, I forget all the stuff I needed at work so I can't do it tonight. Well, I could do some of it but I've decided to take the night off. This is such a busy and stressful week. I have to grade tests, write evaluations, do an open class for all the kindie mommies, another presentation, a teacher's meeting, and do phone teaching, and teach all my regular classes. Usually, I have to do only the very last thing.
Oh, and my vacation is being cut short so that we can help the school move all their stuff. This is completely unfair. First of all, my vacation "week" is spread over 2 half weeks so instead of being able to take 2 weekends, there's just the one. My boss told us not to make plans for the first 2 days of the vacation. The schools been there for as long I know of and they happen to move during MY vacation. I'm entitled to those 5 days off and shouldn't have to do anything during those days. If only I was more assertive. I feel like just telling him I won't be coming but most of you know I'm not that assertive. I also don't want to make trouble but that's my vacation damn it. A total of 5 days and if I fly anywhere than it's really only 3 full days. Enough about that though.
I had an open class this week with my Melon class. I thought it went alright but what do I know. Some of the mommies had some complaints. I don't speak loudly enough, slow enough, and my volume declines too much over the course of my sentence. The kids don't have a problem with it. If they don't understand, I do speak louder and slower. I wonder if it's just because some of the mothers thought they should be able to understand what I was saying and couldn't. Who knows? I'm also too nice and too friendly with the kids or in other words aren't strict enough. That's all because of Andrew. He's my newest kid. He's completely thrown off the class dynamic. He's been there 2 weeks and is a bit of a problem child. I gave them an activity and Andrew took the box and dumped all the materials on the table. I guess I didn't get angry enough with him. What am I going to do with his mother right in the room? Then I'd just get a complaint that I was too strict or too angry. He and Justin are becoming fast friends too. Justin, I'm afraid will be turned to the dark side.
Justin's been annoying me a bit lately too. Kids are just allowed to come into the faculty room as much as they want. I sit right by the wall with the door on that same wall. They open the door and poke me. There are at least of my students that do that to me. It's so annoying, especially if I'm doing something. I also wish I never taught them 'tickle, tickle.' Now, my Melons do it to each other can get mad. They say "Teacher, Paul tickle tickle" or Paul's tickling me for those not fluent in the art of broken English. I almost don't even notice how bad my kids' grammar is or their pronunciation. Their writing reminds me though. Stuff like 'day' instead of they. Grading takes so long, I meant to do it today but I got sick of doing it. It's exhausting when they make so many mistakes. I only like grading the smart kids' stuff.
Maybe I should go get a pizza since I'm being so lazy today. I went to the gym yesterday and the day before that. I could still go today but I don't feel like it. Yes, I'm going to get a pizza.
Mmmmm, yummy pizza will be coming soon. If only I could use my willpower for useful things. I could've said, yes I should go to the gym tonight. Actually, something weird happened there yesterday. That guy, Chen, was there. Somehow I ended up giving him my phone number and have general plans to do something with his family the first weekend of July. I really need to meet some people. I shouldn't be hanging out with middle-aged Koreans who are just using me to practice their English.
I think I'll probably end up taking some Korean classes downtown. It's twice a week and only required me running downtown for 2 hours during my lunchbreak. It might be a little hectic but I think I can do it. I haven't done anything in weeks. Actually, once the school moves at the end of July, it will be a lot better for me. The school will only be a 5 minute (well 7, I timed it) walk from my house instead of 15. It's also right next to a station so I don't have to worry about the 15 minute walk to the subway station during my lunchbreak. Also, if I'm feeling very lazy I could just catch the subway one stop from home. It would take just as long, I think, waiting for the train to get there but it would require virtually no walking.
I'm probably going to be going downtown this weekend. One of the local teachers, who Matt and Renee haven't introduced me to, has a friend who is opening some kind of bar. I should get a chance to meet a few other foreigners. I wouldn't mind meeting Koreans if it weren't for the thought that I was being used. I'd much rather be used for company.
Originally, I thought I could make it until the end of my contract. It was my goal at least but when my two bosses were telling me about the complaints that some of the mommies had (I just like to call them the mommies) I realised that I'm really not cut out for teaching. I'm probably not outgoing or funny enough. Nor do I have the energy to add extras things to make the class more fun or entertaining. Well, not for 6 classes a day at least. I'd be at the school working non-stop for 10 hours a day. At least, I imagine I would be. Maybe, I wouldn't but I don't want to put in the effort to try.
Part of it has to do with my social life though. I don't like having weeks where have no time to do anything outside of work and weekends where I have way too much time and nothing to do. If my social life doesn't pick up, I don't imagine I'd be able to finish my contract. I think I need something to look forward to on the weekend aside from the idea of being away from work. I really shouldn't be writing during my busiest week. It really makes me complain a lot more. I don't love my job but I don't hate it either. It's so-so. Plus my never having had a full time job, makes me feel overworked. I do prefer being a student to a teacher though. I'd be so much better if I could control the students. Renee said the other day that her open class was more stressful than any presentation she ever had before. That is so true. There are so many variables teaching kids. Amy said my lesson plan and the timing was great at least.
So after all of that, I'll tell you Erica. She's in my Melon class. This picture is from a field trip that I never told you about. Erica's very cute but she never says all that much. She answers my questions and everything but never tries to tell me anything else like the other kids. The first day while I was observing, she and I played little games behind Amy's back. Whenever she sees me though, she saws Shawn Teacher and she giggles. She's very friendly but just not a talker, at least in English. She's also the sticker page queen. I'm sure I've talked about the sticker pages. After so many stickers they get a prize. Erica's always asking for her stickers. She also stays behind and collects everyone's page. Then she puts them all in the folder with hers on top. It's all very cute though. She just loves those pages. Actually, she showed me her page a few times. She was so proud and tell me how many stickers until her prize. She doesn't create many problems in class but if something bad happens to her she gets a little violent. Probably from having 2 older siblings. That's mostly how she loses herr stickers. She's also really into flashcards and loves any flashcard game. She also takes Paul as her partner because he couldn't care less and she just takes all his cards. Maybe, I'll introduce you to Paul next.