Sunday, May 01, 2005

Close up of the missing tap

Originally uploaded by blueshoewhotwo.
I thought that I might feel like writing but it took me forever to get my camera connected. I have a new faucet now and I figured out how the hose was connected. It was a very avoidable accident, let's take off very to make myself feel better. They had to cut through the cement to get to work and I can't use the water until tomorrow, which is unfortunate because I need to do some laundry. Also, they didn't come at nine. They said nine and they meant nine. (Nine fingers). Came at eight though. A new guy. I wonder who will come tomorrow or when. I don't know what they need to do. Test it maybe. They patched up my wall, maybe they're going to paint it. I don't even know if I'll be getting billed. So confusing.

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