Thursday, May 04, 2006


I'm still in Los Angeles and haven't broken any laws. I was going to try to get a job working illegally but decided to not bother anymore. I'm only in LA for another 2-3 weeks and I was just too intimidated to go in to places and ask them to break the law for me. Actually, I may have broken the law, I don't know.

When I was going through customs they didn't like the look of me and took me to the special interogation room. Well actually, they didn't like that I didn't have a return ticket and no job. I told them I wanted to stay for 2 months because someone I knew was getting married at the end of May. The guy told me he didn't want me to stay in the country that long and would have to break it into 2 trips. Ultimately, I ended up buying a one-way ticket back to Edmonton that was for April 29th so obviously I didn't end up using it. I don't know if that counts as breaking the law since I'm still entitled to be in the country. I had planned on going abroad again from LA. I wasn't sure where: Australia, Japan, or back to Korea, possibly France. I ended up going with Korea and here's why:

I was thinking about going to Australia but decided I should have a bit more in the bank before I went. I also figured it would be fall/winter in Australia so I would go back to Korea and work for 6 months to save some money and wrap up my Korean experience in a better way. I ended up coming across a really decent position in Daegu, the same city I worked in before. It sounded really good. I'll have a better schedule working from 4-10pm Monday to Friday. I'll be teaching 22 hours a week or thereabouts. I'll be living a lot closer to downtown than last year but will still be on a subway line so that's a double plus. There will also be 4 other foreign teachers there divided between 2 schools, which should be a lot better than working with 1 couple from Sudbury that rarely spoke to anyone outside their relationship. Not only will I be teaching better hours, less often, with better people and living in a better part of town but I'll be making $300 more a month. As long as the job turns out as well as it looks on paper I'll probably end up finishing the contract. So I'll have to put off Australia until at least then but I'll get there eventually.