Monday, November 21, 2005


What can I say about Kathmandu?

I didn't actually do a whole lot in Kathmandu. Actually I pretty much just spent a week relaxing, not doing a thing. Showers (with hot water even!), real restaurants, bars, electricity. I spent my time just readjusting/overindulging in those kinds of things. I really did just do absolutely nothing. I read, sat around, ate, and drank.

I did spend one day, maybe a half-day sightseeing just looking around Durbar Square. There was a living goddess there but I missed her. She's called the Kudari, maybe just a Kudari. Anyways, she's this little girl goddess. Right, she's the Goddess of Kathmandu I think. She lives in her little temple and dresses in her little Kudari costume. When she hits puberty though it means she is no longer the goddess but a mere mortal so they kick her out and from that point on no man will touch her for fear of death within 14 days. I wouldn't like to be the living goddess. Scott and Sam saw her for a brief moment. They said she looked pouty and a bit resentful. Some other word also but I don't recall. I actually wasn't feeling very good on that last day.

We'd gone out that night. The first night after the girls had flown off to Bangkok we went out with some other people for steak (I had chicken since that's what I do, I go to a sushi restaurant and order teriyaki chicken, I like chicken. Steak I will eat but never order...anyways). Then we went to a casino where I lost 6 out of 7 hands of blackjack. So I lost my money very quickly and then started to feel unwell. I left early and paid way to much for a taxi back to the hotel. I wasn't in the mood to argue and my fuckitness (as I call it) was in fullswing so I just paid and went right to bed. I woke up the next morning feeling pretty shitty. Like I had drank way too much (2 beers, I swear). The one day I had left to sightsee and I felt sluggish and a bit sick. Here are some pics of Durbar square. I saw a monkey. Not great quality but I'm not retouching them on vacation.
Kathmandu 005
Kathmandu 008
New Image

1 comment:

Kathy said...

and this could possibly be the ONLY way I'll ever get to see the world.
Shit. But hey- thanks for the pictures.